Here are a few photos that I’ve taken recently. Each one makes me feel good and think about the wonderful things in my life. I hope you enjoy them.
This guy has certainly found his passion
The National Bison Range in Montana, near Missoula. Kind of makes you want to twirl around and sing the theme to The Sound of Music, doesn't it?
A peaceful walk on the beach sets everything right.
While on my morning walk I spotted a couple of guys trimming someone’s dogwood tree. I asked if I could take a branch and then went home and picked the white and green flowers growing in my own garden. I love finding the perfect companion flowers as I add to my garden. I love my Glassbaby candle too. Check out their website here
Last month on Instagram I enjoyed doing a month of ‘Shelfies’, where I took a photo everyday of something gathered from around my house. This shot included my mother’s old French textbook along with her favorite quotes from Pablo Picasso. The enamaled 28 is a favorite piece of mine.
I’ve been taking lots of pictures lately and really enjoy learning the details to a good photograph. It continues to remind me to look for and appreciate the beauty around me. Remember, you can always follow along by joining Instagram if you have a smart phone (find me at Janet Brown Studios). The app is free and you don’t have to take pictures unless you want to. You can just enjoy the journey.
Happy June Everyone!
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