Lots of yard work accomplished this weekend. The back vegetable area which is fenced looked like the weeds may be winning the battle. Provide nice soil, mild winter, spring sunshine and it perfect for all the native weeds. I got to work, bed by bed, and path by path until it was beginning to look like a garden again and I felt my enthusiasm for the garden returning as it does every year. What to plant and where to plant each favorite?
As I reached in to the strawberries to clean out the debris I grabbed a nest. Yikes! What to do??? I had my gloves on so I hope mama bird won’t abandon her eggs. I carefully replaced the nest and made sure the eggs weren’t left lying among the strawberries but I felt I had badly disturbed the little nursery.
When I was eating lunch I brought out the camera with the long lens and kept an eye out for mama. She hopped down to check her nest, added a bit more nesting material to (probably) replace the damage I’d done then seemed to glare in my direction. I hope the babies hatch before my strawberries are ready. I also hope she picks a better place to nest next time.
While eating I heard quite a ruckus in the sky and soon the ruckus makers appeared. A hawk and crows seemed to be challenging one another in a sky show. I grabbed my camera and documented their antics.
Nothing like “a murder of crows” to get ones attention. They rocked and rolled, cawing and screeching. The hawk seemed to keep his cool, gliding and turning with little effort as the crows chased and taunted him…and then they were gone.
So back to the garden I went, avoiding the nest but clearing, weeding, digging and hauling away buckets full of weedy yard debris, all the while dreaming of blueberry muffins and rhubarb crisp. Happy Monday everyone!
Great pictures - I love all the signs of spring! Life anew!
Posted by: jm | 04/29/2013 at 07:45 PM