I gathered up 10 good things that made a difference for me in 2012. Some are simple changes in how I did something, others are less than an epiphany, but more than just an idea. Hopefully they will continue to make a difference in my way of life. Maybe there’ll be something here that might make a difference for you. Here they are:
Breakfast, lunch or dinner with friends- This is no longer a frivolous activity, it is an absolute necessity. Working from home is very isolating and although I love being holed up in my studio on a creative binge, I understand the importance of getting out and being social around other human beings. Book clubs and lunches; it’s just plain good for the soul. Besides, we laugh…a lot, and everything about laughter is good.
Yoga tooth brushing. I read about this last fall. It works best with an electric tooth brush because you have exactly 2 minutes and a little beep divides it up into 30 second intervals. While brushing my bottom teeth I stand on one leg, lifting up out of my torso, keeping straight and balanced. I change to the other foot when I get to my upper teeth. It’s a nice little bit of yoga that’s only 2 minutes, twice a day. If I feel pretty steady I try closing my eyes and realize I have a long way to go to become perfectly balanced. I swear my back feels better as a result. (Disclaimer: That’s my daughter in the photo).
Sunscreen. I know it’s on every list but at my age I slather it on. When we were in Hawaii, I repeatedly applied it to my face and wore a hat most of the time. It’s the tried and true way to keep age spots and lines away. I don’t worry too much about the rest of me, but as for my face, I’m being quite strict.
Putting a box of zip lock baggies with our luggage. I was so proud of myself when I thought of this one. I’ve occasionally remembered to leave a zip lock bag in a particular suitcase, which isn’t a bad idea but this is even better. House guests, kids home from school; you just never know when somebody is going to need that quart size bag for their liquid carry-ons and it’s always the night before an early flight. A nice big box of 30 will solve those last minute, on your way to the airport, already stressful times.
Starting Janet Brown Studios- I’m so glad I finally decided to follow my dream and open my little shop. The creative side has always been easy for me but the business, marketing, sales and everything else is challenging. That’s why it keeps me busy and has filled the void when the kids moved out. So far I’m just on Etsy, but the website is nearly finished.
San Ramon, California Missoula, Montana
Empty nesting- I’m quite proud of us. Since both kids moved out within a week of one another we were thrown a double whammy of emptiness but I’m happy to report we are handling it nicely. Dinners for two are simple and easy to prepare and clean up and it’s fun to talk about our future plans. Thank goodness for phones on the family plan, texting and Skype for keeping in touch. Sundays are now the day to catch up with the kids. I loved having them show us around their new space by walking the computer around their apartment/dorm room when we were Skyping. Besides now we have new fun places to visit them.
Having a bunch of one dollar bills available to put in the Salvation Army bucket- This just felt nice. I remembered to get a bunch of one dollar bills and had them easily accessible when I’d enter or leave a store during the holiday season. No more dredging the bottom of my purse for random change or that guilty feeling for leaving nothing.
I Voted!- Voting makes me feel proud, patriotic and just plain good about myself. I love participating in trying to make our country work better. I always feel that I have a right to complain, demand changes and open my mouth as long as long as I have taken the time to learn about the candidates, measures and amendments that I voted on. I’ve never missed an election and I never will.
I lost 15 pounds- Although I hesitate to get on any scales until well after the holidays, I worked hard to lose 15 pounds before we went on our trip to Hawaii. I know the eating season, I mean the holidays, have caused me to put a few back on, but now I know I can do it. My doctor was pleased and so was I. It’s January 2nd and I’m back on the game!
Being proud- I’m proud of my children who are growing up and making good choices. Raising children is something that takes a long time to see if you’ve done it right, but as I watch my kids turn into wonderful adults who are happy, well rounded and full of enthusiasm for life, I know we have accomplished more than we could wish for, everything we hoped for and yet we are not surprised for a minute at how wonderful they are. We knew it all the time.
Happy New Year!!
I love your list of 10 good things...makes me stop and wonder if I could compile such a list as well...and bravo for starting your etsy shop and losing 15 pounds - both something to be quite proud of...in addition to having kids turn into fine adults!
Happy New Year!
Posted by: amy of four corners design | 01/02/2013 at 02:33 PM