Anyone who knows me well, knows I like my coffee. My morning coffee is like a little ritual and I require the perfect balance of coffee, half-and-half and rich brown raw sugar. Even after 20 years I’m hesitant to let my husband prepare my coffee because I’m a bit of a perfectionist in this area. It’s the beginning of the day and it must be just so. Because I dress it up I like the coffee very dark and rich. I often mix espresso beans with a good Italian or French roast to get the heartiness I desire. I don’t drink a lot of coffee; I prefer quality over quantity.
I’ve been anxious for warm weather because I also enjoy a good ice coffee sometime during the day; most often a perfect break from working in the garden. I already use my leftover morning coffee to make coffee cubes. (Just pour the dregs into an ice cube tray and next time you fix an iced coffee, add the coffee cubes so you don’t dilute your drink.) I also decided to make milk cubes. Why not?? I found this iced coffee recipe (almost too simple to be called a recipe) on the Pioneer Woman Website. Like I said, it’s very simple. It’s brewed with cold water and all it has to do is sit overnight, strain and it’s ready.
This elixir will keep in the fridge for several weeks if covered. I cut the recipe in half because of space limitations. I used this container that previously held Orville Redenbacher popcorn from Costco. It held 1/2 pound of coffee and 4 quarts of filtered water.
It’s easily as good as any coffee shop iced coffee and for a fraction of the price. Win win! I’m taking it on our road trip to California next week. No stops at the coffee drive through for us. We’ll have our delicious coffee ready for pool side.
Here’s the recipe as given on the website. Remember, I cut it in half. Give it a try this summer.
Perfect Iced Coffee
1 pound ground coffee (good, rich roast)
8 quarts cold water
In a large container mix ground coffee with water. Cover and allow to sit at room temperature for eight hours or overnight.
Line a fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth and set over top a pitcher or other container. Pour coffee/water mixture through the strainer, allowing all liquid to run through. Discard grounds. Place coffee liquid in the fridge and allow to cool. Use as needed.
To make iced coffee: Pack a glass full of ice (coffee) cubes. Fill glass 2/3 full with coffee liquid. Add a healthy splash of half-and-half (or milk or cream). Add sugar, vanilla syrup or sweetened condensed milk to taste.
Stir and enjoy!
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