After a very wild weather week here in the northwest the weekend proved that spring has arrived. We were able to work in the yard and accomplished a lot of weeding and tidying. Although I claim to detest the mundane act of weeding, it always proves a time to plan, ponder and organize. Working right down there in the soil I can see what plants need, where they might be moved and awkward spaces where something needs to be planted.
This little spot in my front yard is coming along. The Heuchera in front are a bit messy after the winter but with their new lime green growth they will brighten the walk to our front door. I want to add a bit more soil to the area to hill it up just a bit and tuck in a bit of color.
Consider taking a walk around your yard. This is the perfect time to see what your garden might need in the way of anchor plants. Is there a shrub that didn’t make it through the winter? Is there a muddy area that could use a nice evergreen? The winter yard should not look like it’s just waiting for spring.
Although the perennials are mostly still hidden underground, you might be able to spy the tips of a hosta or the spears of a peony. Perhaps taking a photograph of a certain area now and then again in a couple of months will help in your planting plans. Although it often seems boring to tuck in a shrub, they can provide a wonderful backdrop for colorful summer flowering plants.
As far as the vegetable garden goes, this cool weather is the perfect time to plant broccoli and chard.
I added rosemary, a couple of Oregano varieties and another Thyme to my herb bed.
So even though it’s not yet the time for heavy duty gardening, there are still lots of things that can be done to plan, prep and even plant. Get out there and see what’s going on in your garden.
Here are a few photos of our late snowfall. What a difference a few days can make!
The daffodils and primrose hang on during the snow.
Again, only 5 days apart. I admit, the snow picture looks better. Hydrangeas that need to be deadheaded look much nicer when covered in a blanket of snow.
thanks for this..
Posted by: gwen | 06/30/2014 at 08:59 AM
You have a beautiful garden. I love planting plants, one of these days I will show you my garden. I am planning to plant new flowers just like yours.
Posted by: Spicher Ramon | 07/08/2014 at 09:05 AM