The end of the year seems to me a good time to begin writing my blog.
Usually I, like many of us, tend to initiate a project at the beginning of a new year. Diet, exercise, new attitude, new venture, etc. Before I know it the New Year is over and so are my resolutions. By starting at the end of the year I have changed things up.
I plan on sharing art and craft ideas and how-to’s that I enjoy creating as well as wonderful things I notice along the way. In the spring I will share the joy in planting a new vegetable garden and continue to contribute posts on the pleasure and creativity I find in planting, growing, cooking, harvesting and canning.
There’s imagination and inspiration everywhere we look. I remember a friend who was taking a calligraphy class years ago. Although most of the students would probably never make calligraphy a career, the instructor told them little things like their grocery lists would be nicer to look at. That’s what I enjoy; the little things along the way. The accessory or ornament that sits beside your desk to remind you of a friend, a child or a love one long past.
My picture today shows an old pincushion and a smattering of old buttons. A nice picture, I think, but there’s a bit of a story that goes along with the picture. The pincushion is my mothers. I gave it to her many years ago. I was just a little kid when I picked it out and gave it to her for Christmas. I thought it was very cool, being a crown and all and I was always intrigued that there was a measuring tape in the base. How clever! It is the pincushion she used for the next 50 years.
My mother instilled much of the love of art, craft, sewing and gardening that I enjoy. She’s still with us but due to Alzheimer’s she can no longer enjoy doing any of these activities. I dedicate my first post to her and thank her for the encouragement she gave me as I wandered through the house with a ball of yarn under my arm knitting my first afghan or the constant questions about sewing, or the muddy footprints from ‘helping’ her in the garden. Growing up, our house was often messy and sometimes a bit chaotic because someone was creating something wonderful. Thanks mom!
I love this idea! I can't wait for the next blog. Your story about the pin cushion was so sweet; it really moved me. I hope your family is doing well and that you had a wonderful Christmas with them.
Posted by: Tiffanie M | 12/27/2010 at 11:25 AM
This looks great, Janet! Dive in and start the journey!
Posted by: jmayhew | 12/27/2010 at 11:56 AM
Oh, Janet, this is so great!! I love the focus/focuses/foci? that you have chosen for this blog, because it is stuff so many of us relate to, and you tell about it in the friend-to-friend style that is just like hanging out with you. For inspiration to newby writers, I would tell them: "read Janet's House"!
Posted by: Molly | 01/03/2011 at 11:18 PM